Sunday | 12 January 2025 | Reg No- 06
Sunday | 12 January 2025
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Mahbubar Rahman
A savouring day-out at Halda ValleyAs the winter is lazily setting-in with crisp sunshine in early December days harbingering bone-chilling cold days and thick blanket of fog eclipsing the blazing sun for short-lived January days, murmurs of falling leaves from the branches of standing trees are heard and seen by the men and women of mind intuitively wafting in the ...
Mahbubar Rahman
Jean Paul Sartre: A Voltaire of France’s consciousAny prize or award, that we speak of claiming to be the best in the world is undoubtedly Nobel Prize. Ever since the Nobel Prize was introduced by Alfred Nobel and the prize was given first in 1901, hundreds of eyes of Scientists, Litterateurs, Peace activists, Economists remained focused on the prize who yearn to ...
(Concluding part)
Mahbubar Rahman
First three priorities: Education, education and educationEducational institution and the universities all over the world contributed greatly in infusing quality education over the ages, few names of which deserve special mention at this point. I feel it pertinent to give a brief account of ten leading universities across the world that rank top ten in the World University Ranking 2019. To ...
Mahbubar Rahman
First three priorities: Education, education and education"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave"-Lord Brougham (1778-1868)Scottish Lawyer & Politician.Length and breadth of humans' ignorance is so long and stretching beyond measures likes lines of infinity which perhaps induced a great man of wisdom, Socrates (469-399BC) to say "I know nothing except ...
Mahbubar Rahman
Bertrand Russell: A passionate lover of humanityBorn with silver spoon in the mouth in Monmouth-shire, England on May 18, 1872, Bertrand Russell belonged to the Russell's, one of the oldest and most famous families in England, a family that has given statesmen to Britain for many generations. His grandfather, Lord John Russell, was a great Liberal Prime Minister who fought an ...
(Be and it is)
Mahbubar Rahman
'Koon Faiya Koon'Philosophers speculate: 'Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit'!And without much variations in thought process,Scientists' reason: 'Nothing Comes out of Nothing'.Philosophers crave for Genus & SpeciesAnd Scientists equally argue for Cause & Effect.Philosophers and Scientists ride on same boatTo unearth secrets of Smmum Genus & Infima Species  As both lie encrypted in the recesses of mystery.Philosophers find solutions ...
Mahbubar Rahman
 Songs of Eid-e-MiladunnabiThe Holy twelveth day of Rabiul Awaal Re-visits the Earth in pomp & grandeur Permeating aroma & fragrance All the way from the doors of Heaven.At the hour of dawn fifteen hundred years agoAngels in large numbers descended from Heaven; To celebrate the birth of Muhammad (PBUH) In gaiety & bonhomie.Created from the essence of ...
(The Pole-Star)
Mahbubar Rahman
 Zohra-TaraWith their inborn vanity & prideTwo Angels from the skies;Challenged the Lord of Heaven;That their unflinching loyalty to their LordNever to be deviated by any enticement in Heaven & Earth.Lord of the Heaven took the challenge in wry smilesAnd dispatched the challengers to the Earth of dust;To prove themselves equal to their task.Having descended from ...
Mahbubar Rahman
Gentle BreezeThey lovingly call you Breeze,When you blow tenderly withsounding no whiz.Further, they fondly call you Gentle Breeze,When you give your mellow touch;To craving souls in freeze.Fermented from across the horizons,Your soothing journey lasts and prevails;To comfort the mindsThat yearn for a little solace in life.You console nature by your soft touch,In receding summer days;Glimmering at ...
Mahbubar Rahman
 A land of ‘honourables’!In a democratic dispensation a government is essentially "of the people, by the people and for the people" as was emphasized by Abraham Lincoln in his historical Gettysburg address long time ago on November 19, 1863. Accordingly governments in the free world grew with peoples' participation through universal adult franchise where people elect their representatives ...
Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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